Lighthouse Keepers Ministry
Another way to help The Lighthouse Baptist Ministries is through the Building Fund Can Program. Churches fill coffee cans or jars with change throughout the month. Once a month someone at the church collects the money, counts it, and sends in a check. We call these “can” churches Lighthouse Keepers.
Although we have had some large donations directly to our building fund, the can program has allowed our building funds to grow steadily. What may seem like a small amount to some, adds up in a hurry. Everyone can participate and feel a vital part of this ministry. The money collected through the cans goes only to the building fund and not to any personal support or daily operations. This way people can have a part in the long term and future helps of missionaries.
If your church or Christian school would like to participate, that would be a great blessing. Just let us know that your church or school would like to become a Lighthouse Keeper. Any support checks for our building fund need to be made out to MBC World Missions with a note in the memo field that says LBM building fund can.